Wednesday 12 November 2008

11. Green is the new...oh whatever.

So speaking of adventures in fooding.

I was browsing the interweb yesterday and I found a recipe for a, what you should know is, I have been on a health kick lately. I mean, I realize that most times these "kicks" are here and gone in a month, but I've been working out regularly for a little over a week and I'd really like to give this whole lifestyle change thing a go. So...smoothie.

The recipe called for SPINACH!

Okay, I like spinach, especially covered in butter and garlic...but of course, as a friend once pointed out, anything is good covered in garlic and butter.

So the spinach, because it is tasteless just turns the smoothie a pretty....or grimey colour. I also added half a banana, a whole apple (minus seeds and stem), a half cup of yogurt and a third of a cup of milk. Now, I don't love bananas...but the apples and the vanilla yogurt made this one for me. I would have to say on a scale of 1-10 in smoothie world, this one just for nutritional value alone would get a 9.2... no spinichy green taste, just apple and banana goodness. mmm....



Guido said...

good god.. Now you've got me craving garlic with a side dish of butter... Thanks a lot.

k-bomb said...

It's amazing that even after a wedding, I still don't have a blender. Life is weird.

Alicia said...

For this recipe I used a hand blender. You can get them real cheap at wal they have those over there?

mmm garlic with a side dish of butter....