Sunday 25 January 2009

16. I don't want to get out of this chair.

So, for many years I have known that my environment really shows what is going on inside of me. For example, in school, I would have a relatively neat (though never spotless) room for most of the semester, until exams or papers were due, or something was bothering me...and then the mess would pile up.

I'm really good at ignoring mess too. Or avoiding it, maybe that's a better word.

Last night I came home from a movie and was putting the finishing touches on my children's message when I walked into my was like I hadn't really SEEN it before that moment. There were clothes piled shoulder high on a chair, my bed had a stack of stuff on it, the floor was still visible, but cluttered around the "walking paths" there was a mix of dirty laundry and things to be filed lying around and nothing had a place. Immediately I became overwhelmed and gave in to my sudden urge to just lie down.

So tonight I need to take care of my room. I realize that I'm not a "neat person" or an "organized person" but it would be nice to at least have a bit more order than I already do. I'll start with my room and then I'll move to my office, which (sans clothing) is in a pretty similar state.

Today I will not do a half-assed job. I will finish what I start.

This is the week of finishing well.

It's going to be a long week.

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