Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Hot as BALLS!!! Tennis balls that is...

So tonight, against my better judgement, I joined 3 of my running buddies at the A.R. Kaufman Family YMCA for a little "Outdoor Fitness Challenge" in the 40 degree heat...

Let me begin by saying, I was less than motivated today. In fact I'm close to writing off this whole week in terms of any sort of attempt at being healthy (it's already Wednesday for goodness sake). Today was one of those days that started with McDonalds and ended with Frozen Yogurt (topped with all sorts of delicious things that easily took the calorie count from about 200 to 1000...see picture below)

SO, despite feeling like I might puke, I ventured out into the parking lot of the Kaufman Y where I, and the other victims of Mat's evil schemes, ran around looking for hidden tennis balls, throwing tires around, doings burpees and passing fire hoses under our planked bodies...After recovering from the slight nausea (caused by the heat of course...not the hamburger I ate for supper), I had a pretty good time. Cheering someone on as they flip a tractor tire through the parking lot is fun. Pushing someone around until they fall down is a cool game, and sweating balls in the middle of a hot day with a bunch of friends is actually a worthy pursuit. 

Then it hit me again. It's not about just me on this journey. It's the "us" that counts. 

So this week has been me-centric, and I've been feeling miserable. I'mma go ahead and try to make this fun again. Give me a shout, I'll try to do the same for you. Lemme know what you're up to, what your struggles are, what the good news's not just you or me out there doing it on our own. Without each other we WILL fail. 

Closing thought: If I never do another burpee in my life I'll be just fine ;)


Unknown said...

I feel your pain Alicia. Yesterday, I decided to jog 3 km with the dog instead of walking 2 km like I usually do. I felt good afterwards but had a flushed face and was a bit dehydrated all morning. That aside, I had more energy yesterday than usual. I spent the afternoon making a Minion cake. When I say making, I also mean tasting. My healthy eating didn't totally go down the tubes but whatever. Anyhow, I agree that working out with friends is much more fun and satisfying than alone. Keep up the great work, we will get there together!

Todd Donald said...

This blog post made me L to the O to the L : D