I have to admit I have been on a bit of a mental vacation.
Between lapses in brain waves and my laptop barely scraping through life one breath at a time...my blogging has been somewhat deficient lately...
Not just the blogging mind you. The eating, and the exercising, and the generally being healthy....has also been deficient.
I shouldn't say that...I did have a couple of good days. At least I worked out a couple of times...it was a vacation after all...So why is it that I am left here on the first day after vacation with a bag of chips in my hands and a brownie recently swallowed?
I blame the fat chick.
Deep down inside of me there is a fat chick just BEGGING to be let out. If I let my guard down for ONE minute she pokes her *&$%#@! head out and devours everything in her path. She's lazy, she's tired, she's full of excuses and she is RUINING MY LIFE!!!!! At least my wardrobe...
So I'm back at 'er tomorrow. Swallowing back the urge to finish this bag of chips.
Lunch is packed. Workouts planned. #prayforme
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