Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Speaking of invincibility

I wish I were invincible. 
As it stands, I would even take invincible will power. 

Last time I wrote a little bit about my fitness cycle, let me elaborate:
The cycle starts with that slow "never-gonna-end" kind of stage...

1. I'm eating well but I still feel like a fat kid
2. I'm exercising, but what's the point? 

3. I have goals, but the scale doesn't seem to want to play nicely. 

Then I head into the invincible stage. 
Now what does that look like? 

1. People start to notice/comment on my progress
2. I start to notice my own progress (in that order)
3. Clothes start to fit differently
4. I'm in a "groove" with eating
5. I FEEL healthy and strong and fit. 
6. MOST CHARACTERISTIC: I feel like I've never been anything but fit and healthy. 

What often happens when I'm deep enough into this stage is: 


Self fulfilling prophecy: I can't do this, I'll never be able to do this. 

and begins the cycle of guilt. 

Sometimes recognizing patterns is the most helpful way to make a different choice. 

So because I recognize this pattern I've been taking it day by day, or at least week by week. 
I pack my lunches and think about lunches one day ahead. 
I go to the gym and burn a few hundred extra calories when I know I'm going "out"
I recognize that even though I ate 1.5 days worth of extra calories on the weekend - every day is a new day and if I live in the guilt of yesterday I will only ever achieve the results of yesterday's choices. 

Head up. Keep moving. Do what you can. 

Food is my greatest battle. Some days I win, some days I lose. 
Whatever happens, don't give up. 

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