Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Blogging and tweeting...what would your grandmother think?

How do people stay engaged? Is tweeting the future of connection? Words and codes strung together to both draw people in and push people out. #whouseshashtagsanyway? 

I've recently been trying to move and shake (or at least stutter and quiver) in the Twitter world...I have a loose understanding of what is acceptable, and I have an equally (perhaps greater) loose grasp on what is relevant and interesting. My youth would likely loudly and enthusiastically tell you just how lame and old I'm getting. But in the Twitter world age doesn't matter and we are all relevant in some way (regardless of what those young hooligans may tell us). 

Trouble is, much like blogging and any other social media "engagement," it takes TIME. It takes me opening up twitter every morning to catch up on what my followed personalities or businesses have been saying, keeping the window open for most of the day to catch up on what else is "trending." Perhaps logging on to my twitter app on my phone throughout the day, or getting notifications to my email. 

Not only that, but much of the content is biased. We all have an angle or an agenda. The biggest difference is likely in the opportunity to share, engage and respond which is not as easily accessible with typical news sources. 

All that being said, I'm realizing that it's impossible, without serious investment of time, to keep my finger on the pulse of the Waterloo Region. But I'm closer now to understanding it than I have ever been. Is that thanks to Twitter? 

While "blog" and "tweet" may sound to previous generations like lingo with a likely dark or inappropriate edge, we have come to understand these terms in light of their possibility; A connection to our wider world and an opportunity to learn and share. So here I go, back into the melting pot of social media. 

So how do YOU stay engaged? 

Oops, gotta run - 11 new tweets just popped up! 

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