Monday, 26 August 2013

Fall Fitness Challenge!!

So a few ladies around the office (and many ladies AND gentlemen in my life) have been aching for a change lately. Not just that, aching for some motivation, some accountability, and some fun...

So I've decided that September will begin my FALL FITNESS CHALLENGE!!!!

What does it mean? 

For the ladies who will join me from the office it will mean a daily ranking system determined by the following: 

1. Physical Activity - SOME kind of physical activity. Goal:  30 min per day, get your heart rate up and/or get a bit sweaty. 
2. Eating Healthy - A GOOD effort to eat within your calorie needs and eat good-for-you foods like fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.  Goal: 1200-1500 calories (depending on body size and goals)

EASY right? 

We will rank ourselves by a star system. 

GOLD star - Both Physical activity and Healthy Eating goals were met for the day!
GREEN star - At least ONE of those goals was met
RED star - Not a great day overall...but tomorrow is a new day!

I'm thinking that in order to be effective, this challenge will run between September-December. It's way easier to live a healthy lifestyle if the people around you are doing the same. 

What's the reward?? - Longevity, Health, camaraderie, habit forming behaviours...BUT I'm thinking in the end a day at the Spa would be nice too...More on that later. 

SO, would you like to join us? Print yourself out a Microsoft Word Calendar, get some stars...OR just use a pen and some pictures (Grinning face, smiling face, frowning face?)

You've got 5 days to decide...are you up for the challenge? 

1 comment:

adhd neurofeedback said...
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