Sunday, 16 June 2013

Challenge of the week

Hey Guys Gals and other kinds of folks :) 

Welcome to your Sunday night- the week is about to begin. 

Usually I get to Sunday night and I think, "GUH, what happened to my weekend?? I'm exhausted!" and then sit on the couch all night until it's time to go to bed...Now, while I'm still thinking that (and I may be writing this from the couch...), I'm also thinking: "Somethings gotta give, I don't want to be careening through Monday with a hamburger in my hand and zero opportunities to be active. I need to make a plan, how will I be my best tomorrow? How can I be my best this week?" 

So let's make a plan. 

Tomorrow is a "normal" day for me - no running like crazy, typical hours, nothing out of the ordinary. 

I'll be eating breakfast at home 
I'll be bringing my lunch - salad with ham and boiled eggs, cherries, 2 mini plumcots and sunflower seeds to munch on (check my MyFitnessPal diary to keep me accountable!)
Supper will also be at home - Maybe some Epicure Wedges, salad and a steamer chicken breast....mmmm....Perhaps tomorrow is a soup day...

I'm also going to make up someGillian Michaels Detox Water to drink tomorrow and all week. 

Cardio tomorrow will be a mix of Elliptical and Stairs - goal - between 400-500 calories burned 

Tomorrows goal: Start the week off right - no cheating
This Week's Goal: Be active and have a plan for each day, focus - one day at a time!!! 
New self honesty goal (I've been practicing this since Tuesday): log everything I eat in MyFitnessPal - even if it's bad, and even on a cheat day


Need some inspiration? Check out this video on YouTube, one of the best "scientific" perspective on weight loss I've seen in awhile! Cool series actually, if you're a YouTube junkie like me ;)

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