So I fell pray to the quick fix Dragon again this week...
Here's the moment:
Roll into Mom's sewing room to try on the dress I was planning to wear this weekend so she could shorten it, and she strains to zip the dress up all the way to the top...suddenly, I realize that last time I wore this dress was 10lbs ago....Ugh....
Now, it did up pretty snug-ly, more snug-ly than before...and a bit of extra strain on an invisible zipper tends to leave you with a bare back and a red face....Probably not the impression i want to make at someone elses wedding... this is when that ugly voice in the back of my head says: "You could lose that in a week..."
REALLY!!?!?! REALLY ALICIA!?!?! 10lbs!?!?
So I've lost 5lbs so far on this soup diet/"cleanse" which is basically = not eating - AND I HAVE BEEN MISERABLE!!!!!
So in the height of my misery I happened across a BBQ potluck at the Y where the youth were more than willing to share their treats, chips, burgers and delicious junk with me....a couple of them even brought over the cookies and handed them to I caved. I took that first bite of chocolate macaroon and it was over. Terrible guilt ensued...
Is it really worth it? Is it worth not being able to focus on anything at work because your stomach is grumbling? Is it worth snapping at your coworker for no good reason? Is it worth that mid-day dizzy spell? NO!
"Crash" diet, adequately named, does just that....leaves you grumpy, hungry, bitter and in a pile on the ground for as long as you can bear it until finally you give up, open up your mouth and fill it. *hello all you fellow emotional eaters out there* When I'm hungry I get grumpy, when I'm grumpy I get sad, when I'm sad I EAT TOO MUCH!
So again, I affirm for you through my continued lunacy, that diets are bullshit. Pure, foul, bullshit.
But I have to admit, I'm charmed every time.