Thursday, 23 May 2013

And so it begins...again

Alright world - here I am again.

Returning to the blogging world with hesitation...Blogging with a goal...Getting fit, loosing those extra few lbs, "cutting" the fat, all that junk.

A big part of me would like to tell you not to read these posts - Your reading may be reflected in accountability, in possibly unwanted feedback and most definitely in a kind of vulnerability that I am probably unwilling to participate in...but here I am. 

Let me tell you a story:
The year leading up to my 25th birthday I weighed around 250 pounds and I was a miserable crap eating, lying around kind of mess. I had a great personality, and I had haunting memories of 8th grade gym class that gave me anxiety around any kind of physical activity. 

I was unhappy and I knew it - So I turned my life around, I met some really supportive friends, I started USING my gym membership, I started eating like I cared about myself, and after not too terribly long the weight started coming off. I lost 70 pounds that year. For once in my life I wasn't the chubby girl. I loved it.

I turned 29 this year. I'm generally happy with life - I won't go into too much gushy details (cuz that's lame), but life is good.  However something else has changed, I've started to struggle again with my weight.People are funny. They say things like, "It's because you're happy," or "you must be really comfortable with Cliff, that's all," or "You don't look like you've gained any weight." Then again, those honest strangers say things like, "Oh my gosh you're pregnant!" ...(3 times in 3 months...)

So It's time. Again. I know it's a life long journey. I know it never ends. 
I'm here to share the journey with you. Ups, downs and everything in between. 

To start us off, here is an honest look at what "getting into shape" usually looks like :)

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