Tuesday, 27 January 2009

17. I'm running as fast as I can

So, rest assured that if someone chased me for 4 laps of the track at the Y, I would at least be able to stay vertical and in motion for that entire time. Heck, if I tried I could probably even last longer...but that is something to be tested on another day...

It feels pretty tough to get myself motivated these days. Just in general. I feel like I'm getting more done, I'm working out every day (except my "day off") and I'm getting into a sort of schedule. HOWEVER, it's the things like dragging my ass into the gym every morning (or evening, depending on how long it takes me to convince myself to go in) or really digging in and finishing off the cleaning I need to do, or COMPLETING a check list for once, that really knocks me down.

I need some tips. I need some....something.

I need a vacation...

Sunday, 25 January 2009

16. I don't want to get out of this chair.

So, for many years I have known that my environment really shows what is going on inside of me. For example, in school, I would have a relatively neat (though never spotless) room for most of the semester, until exams or papers were due, or something was bothering me...and then the mess would pile up.

I'm really good at ignoring mess too. Or avoiding it, maybe that's a better word.

Last night I came home from a movie and was putting the finishing touches on my children's message when I walked into my room...it was like I hadn't really SEEN it before that moment. There were clothes piled shoulder high on a chair, my bed had a stack of stuff on it, the floor was still visible, but cluttered around the "walking paths" there was a mix of dirty laundry and things to be filed lying around and nothing had a place. Immediately I became overwhelmed and gave in to my sudden urge to just lie down.

So tonight I need to take care of my room. I realize that I'm not a "neat person" or an "organized person" but it would be nice to at least have a bit more order than I already do. I'll start with my room and then I'll move to my office, which (sans clothing) is in a pretty similar state.

Today I will not do a half-assed job. I will finish what I start.

This is the week of finishing well.

It's going to be a long week.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

15. Another New Year....

So, I know I'm a bit late for the official New Years post. I did that on purpose. Mostly because I think New Years is great, but it feels a bit "band-wagon"-ish. I suppose I should start thinking a bit about what this particular New Year will mean for me and perhaps setting some official goals so as to motivate myself to greatness?

Let it be known that I have no intention of having a "New Year's Resolution." That is not to say that I do not see the inherent value in setting goals at the top of the year, but I think that for the most part (sweeping generalization ahead) New Years Resolutions have a pretty bad rep. How many people each year make wide eyed promises to themselves and those around them and then forget about them entirely by March... I have been one of the many. As for those who can keep their resolutions, I am amazed. I have so much respect for those brave few. However, the pressure is too great, and I will not count myself among them.

So what does 2009 mean for me anyways?

Well first and foremost. This is my 25th year.


Moment over.

This means that I will be celebrating my birthday for an entire month this year, not just a measly week like some other years. I suppose my birthday celebrating will mostly still boil down to a week however, including some great partying and super awesomeness. (You may now make your way to the edge of your seats in preparation for your invites. :P Oh, and make sure to clear your March calendars).

Second. I am sick of being unhealthy. So I will be trying pretty hard this year to stop being such an idiot and start making good choices. (As I began last year with some success).

Third. I'd like to be even more intentional about my time. I'm starting to work on some scheduling stuff...like trying to maintain some sort of routine...shocking I know, but this whole doing whatever, whenever is getting old. Plus, Wal-Mart is no longer 24 hours, so what can I do at 2am? ? ?

Fourth. This one is two-parted. I think It's time for me to join a group of some sort, a regularly meeting group...AND/OR take a class/course about something I'm interested in....Who knows what I might choose....

Fifth. I will go to the dentist. (ew)

I think that's about it for my non-resolutions. Proclaiming them here does make them feel a bit more resolution-y, so we must not place too much on the certainty of ANY of them being completed....that would just be too much pressure....

Happy New Year all.
Hope you find something that makes you smile today :)