Thursday, 23 October 2008

9. I am Tender...

So, I live in a reality where I have a freezer full of different kinds of meat, most of which I am unsure of how to prepare. My parents recently purchased a new freezer and showed mercy to both of their impoverished children by sharing the wealth of frozen meat that they would otherwise have tossed. As a result I am attempting to not BUY meat....unless I need to. Which means some rather interesting meals.

Last night was an experimental one in the meat department. I grabbed a pork tenderloin, slightly freezer burnt, out of the deep freeze...and I called my mom. You see, normally I would first check the internet for some clues but my laptop finally kicked the can yesterday and I am without (broke...and laptopless...). So, mom says, "I have this great has brown sugar and cayanne pepper" however, said recipe is nowhere to be found. Also within the course of the conversation she mentions to me that an aunt of mine, who also happens to be a greatcook roasts her pork tenderloin just covered in apples or apple sauce...You would think that would be enough clues to get me started...however, while all this is happening I flip to one of the dozens of cook books I have inherited which shows a recipe including soy sauce and honey...So. At this point I have nothing to loose. the meat will either go uncooked and unhappy, cooked and tasty OR cooked and uneaten....McDonalds is just down the road, so I begin my experimentations. Here is the recipe (keeping in mind that these are not exact measurements):

1 pork tenderloin
1/3 cup soy sauce
3 tbs honey
dash of cayanne
1 heaping tbs brown sugar
3 tbs viniger
dash of cinnimon
2 apples cubed
dehydrated onions

In a shaker (or lidded container) place the soy sauce, honey, spices, brown sugar, onions and viniger. Shake. (not you, the container...) Place tenderloin IN slowcooker on low and add in the liquid.
So, I let the tenderloin cook sans apples for about an hour and a half in the slow cooker and then added in the cubed apples after I had tossed them in a bowl with some cinnamon, honey and cayanne....

then I let her cook for 4 hours (or so)

Experiment: SUCCESSFUL!!!

It was perfectly salted...none required, a bit sweet and sour. The apples/liquids made a great "sauce" and were really quite tasty! We ate it with smashed potatoes and veggies. mmm.

Would I experiment similarly again? YES! In fact, upon review, I think that the recipe could even use some squash or sweet potato added in the mix..mmm..

sorry no pictures...there wasn't enough left to document. :P

Monday, 20 October 2008

8. I am [a]mature.

One too many
Originally uploaded by Alicia Becker

Dumb luck is my style of photography.
I'd love to learn more of the "rules" and perhaps get a camera worthy of being used for "artistic photography" but for now I like to screw around. Hence, Tim at the bottom of a glass.

Fall has provided a bunch of opportunity to do some picture taking. I should take advantage of it more often. Trip over to my Flickr page for some of the fall's harvest.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

7. I remain single

Conversation #1
person #1: Hey. You have big boobs.
person #2: um....thanks [BLOCK]

Conversation #2
person #1: Hello, your profile looks really great!
person #2: Oh, thanks. How are you?
person #1: I'm great, what are you up to?
*****2 minutes passes********
person #1: Do you think that we could have sex?
person #2: *blank stare* [BLOCK]

Is this REALLY how online dating is?
If so, I am SOOOO not interested.
Seriously. I would rather be single for the rest of my life
(*gasp* take it back)
Men. Where ever you are.

In other news. I didn't get the job.